
Result: Blue, White & Red Highlights Using Chalk on Sisterlocks

9:35 AM

UPDATE - USE ONLY SOFT PASTEL AND DON'T USE ANY OTHER CHALK. I left this as a reference on how it will look with regular sidewalk chalk. The method on how to apply this is still the same. So check out the "how to" for this.

I really didn't want to put chalk on my sisterlocks, especially without knowing what it entales, and how it will look. I search around to see if anyone has apply it to their sisterlocks, and didn't find anything. I did find people who has used it on much thicker locks, and had success with it. So that give me hope on trying it on my sisterlocks. Once the hair dried, the color became more apparent. Keep in mind that most of these pictures are under direct light/flash, so you see more detail.

Day of Application

Couple Days After Application

After The Wash

I didn't like the result much, and I think I'm going to have to skip testing stuff out on my locks for a while now. The only thing I got out of this is that I can do the color run, and have clean looking sisterlocks afterward.To see the final style using this highlight, click here. To see my review of applying chalk on Sisterlocks, click here. If you are interested in applying this to your sisterlocks, click here. NOTE: You may get a better result with the chalk, if you use the hair version or the soft pastel.

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  1. I like it! You tried something new and it is temporary. Tres chic belle!

    1. Thanks!!! I don't think I can ever be bored with my locks lol. It is always exciting to try something new, whether it is a fail or not -_-. I'm going to try using the chalk again, but this time with Soft Pastel. Hoping it turn out better (*finger cross*).


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Big Chop - January 24, 2009
Install - August 18-20 2009
Retighten Time - 4 - 4 1/2 hr
Total Locks - Over 750
Pattern - Double 3
Texture - 4 A/B (Thick & Coarse)

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