
How To: Detangle Super Kinky & Curly Hair (Retention Is the Goal!)

9:30 AM

If you have 4 type of hair, detangling is a MUST! It helps lesson the amount of hair that you shed, while you are combing out your hair. The only hair you should lose is the hair that sheds naturally every month. If you walking away with a HUGH lump of hair, after a comb out, then you are doing something wrong.

I really hate when I hear certain hair type can't grow long. It just not true! Certain hair type can grow as long as the next person, but in order to see the length, you may have to do more work than someone who has a looser hair type. You just have to accept that some hair type just requires extra tender loving care in order to bloom. Below is the step by step instruction on how to detangle your hair or your daughter's hair for hair retention.

Material Needed
- Shampoo & Conditioner
- Wide Tooth Comb

Step 1. Shampoo  - I prefer doing my detangling in the shower, and while I'm shampooing. You can do it while using your conditioner, but I find when I do it while I shampooing, the hair is much cleaner and product build up are none existing.

 Step 2 - Detangle - I prefer doing the detangling in four section. Starting from the front to the back. When detangling the hair, start from the bottom, and then proceed upwards until the wide tooth comb guide through smoothly from the root to the tip.

Step 3 Completion -  Once you have completed the detangling process, go ahead and wash and condition the hair. Below is an example of hairs that shedded, and is still on the comb. As you can see, there is not a huge blob of hair on the comb. Detangling and the type of combs used on your hair will help with natural hair retention!!!

Below is an example of a natural hair that has been detangle. Hope this help make your natural hair journey easier.

If you like this post, you should check out my "how to" on blowout here. Blowout is a perfect & safe way to not only manage your natural hair, but also help gain some length.

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Hair Status

Big Chop - January 24, 2009
Install - August 18-20 2009
Retighten Time - 4 - 4 1/2 hr
Total Locks - Over 750
Pattern - Double 3
Texture - 4 A/B (Thick & Coarse)

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