
What Does The Sisterlocks Tools Look Like?

10:13 AM

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I'm was surprised that they are Sisterlocker out there that have never seen the Sisterlocks tools. To me that is amazing! When I was researching sisterlocks, I already knew what the "hook" tool look like even before I met my consultant.

There are blogs that have pictures of each tools (clip & hook), but if you have sisterlocks, your Consultant should be using them in your retighten session only. You should be able to see the consultant using that tool on your hair, and I can't wrap my head around how it is possible that you can't? That question stem from reading a post about how some consultant do everything in their power to hide the tool they are using from their clients, and I was like...seriously????

I understand Consultant can't just leave their tool lying around. Their tools are prone to get stolen or even lost, and replacing them can get difficult, and that depends on how frequently they request for a new one from the home office. So I do understand, but please don't hide your tool from your clients, if that is what you doing now. On the above picture, you can see the picture of what sisterlocks tools look like, and below is the explanation of each.

Sisterlocks Hook Tool 
You can't get this tool without taking the "4-Day Consultant Training Classes". That is the only way of getting this tool! The tool is made of plastic with a hook like feature.

The Hook tool is used to install sisterlocks, as well as to maintain sisterlocks. My consultant prefer this tool over the clip tool because she believes the tension created is a lot tighter with it vs. the clip tool. Now if your consultant uses the clip tool, that is fine, but if you are PAYING your consultant your hard earn money, you can tell her to use either the hook or the clip tool, and she should be able to do it. So in other words, if you don't like her using the clip tool, ask her to use the hook tool to retighten your locks.

Sisterlocks Clip Tool
You can get this tool through the "4-Day Consultant Training Classes" as well as through the "Retightening Classes". The tool is made of plastic with a little clip like feature. You can't see that clip in the above picture but you will when you take the retightening or consultant class.

The Clip tool is used by "DIYer" who wants to maintain they own hair and they also had to take the class in order get it. I have read that some consultant use clip tool to maintain their client hair and that really just boils down to preference. As long as you, the client, are satisfied with their work, you have nothing to worry about.

NOTE: When sisterlocks.com first started offering the retighten classes, they used to provide both tool to the DIYer, but at some point that change, and now they only offer the clip tool for whoever takes the retighten classes.

Now if you a newbie, and looking for a sisterlocks consultant, you can ask them what tool they are currently using. With such a huge investment, please make sure they are using the "hook tool" to install your sisterlocks, if they are not, get your butt out of there.

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  1. Woot! Very informative as usual. Glad you posted.

  2. Oh wow I thought there was only one tool didn't know about the hook tool. But I have been told that the client wasn't allowed to see the tools or the technique used on their sisterlocks.

    1. I understand not showing the technique, but if a client want to verify you are using the correct tool, I don't see any issue with that.

  3. Hi Kreyola: We are taught in Sisterlocks consultant training not to show the technique. No mirrors, no extra onlookers. Some people catch on to the technique and try to become experts without taking the training. And on a separate note, the consultant that started my locks was completely secretive. I was clueless to the tools and the technique. It naively seemed like magic. I gave complete trust until at the end of the second day locking session. All of my questions and quest for knowledge began.

    1. The secretive nature of getting sisterlocks and being sisterlocked is tiring to me. People are being taken advantage of because of this, and I want to put a stop to it. Blogging is the only way I can do it and I will continue to do it.

      Thanks for sharing your input on the matter!

  4. Good post. The secrecy of sisterlocks is unreal. It almost has cult like status. So many people get ripped off.

    Why can't i see what the tool looks like answ: because its easy to recreate.

    Why can't i watch an installation, answ: because its's easy to recreate

    Why can't i buy the hook tool answ: becuse it's easy to recreate.

    Dr JoAnne, created somehting great, but why patent a hair style and the freedom it can give a million people
    answ: there will be no profit in it for her and her establishment that never return emails. All because sisterlocks is easy to recreate.

    My point is this, everyone can sing, but not everyone is talented or makes a living from it. Why hide a tool and technique, all you get is people with no passion trying to make a buck from it, while at the same time ripping off innocent people.

    1. I think their problem is that they are not recognizing that in order for people to know and appreciate their brand, they must showcase what set them apart from others. Sisterlocks is not the only way you can achieve micro locks looking locks, but I do know sisterlocks is the only way (for the most part) to achieve neat and near prefect micro looking locks. Their system of how they operate is also good (not great) as far as consultant, training, tools etc. are concern, and that is what sets them apart from the others that are looking to achieve the same look.

      Right now, their brand are being damage because of how secretive it is. Most people are not interested in learning how their technique works, but everyone is interesting in what sisterlocks entail, and that is what the tool look like, and whatever else they need to be on the lookout for when investing in sisterlocks. I will never understand why it takes the sisterlocks fan page and blog to put useful information for people who are interested in their brand...ugh

    2. Well said! The irony of the whole thing is that the more they hide the more they are arousing the interest of persons (like me)

  5. Interesting. I just had my install by an old skool consultant(cert. early 2k). She was trained on the clip tool.Thanks for the info!

    1. Now that is interesting? So when did the hook tool come into the picture? I hope a consultant can chime in. Thanks for the comment :D.

    2. I was installed by an old school consultant as well and she used the clip tool. I believe that she was certified in the late 90s. I love my SLs though. I get a lot of people who ask about my hair and my new consultant (had to change consultants because I relocated) isn't taking new clients, so I'll be sure to tell inquirers what I've read here. Very informative!

    3. Please share any new information you get. I'm curious to know when the hook tool was introduce and why.

  6. Sure thing! Girl I asked her! Which led to more questions. I realize she's not current with her certification...so that explained a lot. Yet, I was ok with it bc I met her with JC. She and other consultants I know from the world of natural hair are not current-for their own reasons which are pretty good and interesting. I trust her bc the experience she brings as a vet with hundreds of heads. The SL world is small so I'll leave it there :) but would love to talk more offline one day!

    1. My consultant is not current with her certification either (I guess there is some kind of fee involve to be on the website?), and she doesn't need to, since she has client for pretty much every day (twice a day) and more asking to be fitted in.

      The site to me is marketing for consultant and trainee...that is it. I don't see it as a way to tell if a consultant is good or not. People honestly need to focus on what the consultant does, and who she has worked on in the past. That is the only way of getting sisterlocks done correctly. Thanks for the share...now I have more question for my consultant lol. I believe she old school, but I don't know how old school though, since she uses the hook tool.

      If you want to discuss this further you welcome to email me ^_^.

    2. sounds like a plan! loving your blog and so glad you are still at it all these yrs!!!

  7. Great comments.

    What gets me is how impossible it is to describe Sisterlocks. If your consultant does not renew her certification by paying a fee to HO to remain on the page, then she is no longer installing sisterlocks on your head even if she uses the pattern and tool.!!?? that can't be right... I love sisterlocks and understand the need to get it right... but hold on...why so many rules involved with something that should be celebrated?

    1. What makes sisterlocks...sisterlocks is the tool used, the grid, the size, and the brand. Makes no mistake, she did a good job in developing her brand but to say that if you not current on the certification, you are not offering sisterlocks is bogus to me. Never heard about that statement either, so I hope that is not the case.

  8. Great information, as I am a 64 yr. old who is looking for something natural to do with my white/silver gray hair that is very thin. I was so taken with this information that I found this website on Thursday night at 9:00 pm and read until 4:30 am Friday morning. I am so disheartened with my hair because in 14yrs. ,being ignorant I completely trusted other individuals to my hair with perms,weaves( glue and sew-in), now my hair has almost disappeared,so this sisterlocks is really interesting to me. Do you know of any certified consultants in Jacksonville,Florida who would be interested in taking on a challenging client like me? If so please let me know. Thank You

    1. Hi Edith,

      Sorry for the late respond, and I'm honestly touch by your post. I understand how you feel and know that many of us did feel that way, and that is why we decided to go either the natural route or just getting locked. I highly recommend trying to grow your hair out in its natural state and see where you at as far as how badly damage your scalp is. Even though certain hair will take longer (keep in mind that follicle damage takes a longer time to fill in and grow out). Later when you get sisterlocks, you will still continue to see improvement (I did as far as my sides are concern).

      Please don't be disheartened about your hair and if you have a questions or concern, go ahead and ask. As for a consultant, I don't know any in Jacksonville, but don't just focus on certified consultant, and visit sisterlocks.com for a good list of certified and trainees. They are trainees out there that are just as good as the certified consultant. You just need to find a person that cares about YOU and your hair. Also don't just check out one person to install your sisterlocks, try to see more than one, and see how you vibe with each of them and do they used the correct tool and technique (grid, sizing, etc.)

  9. Thank you so much for responding back so soon,I feel so much better,washed my hair last night and it has growned so much from when I last had a weave put in I'm not going to tell you how long it was in, but I am pretty sure i have alopecia,will be going to see Dr. next month about that, will also be going to get tape up will trying to wear old afro again LOL. Thanks again for taking time with a grandma who is determined to do this, God Bless You. Edith

  10. They used to teach the retightening class with the hook tool. That is what I learned on. So I regtighten with the hook tool

    1. I wish they had continued to do that. I would have taken the class a long time ago. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I tried to take the retightening class and I actually paid for it but HO called me and told me they were refunding my money because they cancelled the classed due to low enrollment and said I could contact an R certified consultant to teach me to retighten. (R certified basically means they paid HO more money to certify them to teach sisterlock retightening). I contacted one R certified consultant who said she was not currently teaching due to the fact that HO is no longer offering the hook tool to those who take the retightening class. She said she has had to FIX a few clients' hair who used the clip tool because the clip tool has been very damaging to some of her clients' locks. This is because the clip tool can tend to snag the hair, causing breakage and un-uniformed locks. I also read the court case between sisterlocks and nappylocs which is very interesting and shows how the sisterlocks company is no so much about educating women and helping them obtain healthy hair, but is more about money and secrecy. I love my hair and my consultant (who by the way is no longer on the website, HO told me that she has not renewed her certification and is not current). I take it that she has also not recertified because it is simply paying a fee to stay on the site. (Again another way for the agency to generate revenue).- BTW LOVE your site!

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience; it has made my decision to wait to take the consulting class and get the actually hook tool there. I'm thinking of taking the class next year, and doing my daughter during the summer.

      Sisterlocks is nothing but a business… pure and simple. I believe them thinking that by not offering the hook tool, it will be harmful to their business modal of trying to make more in getting consultant. I'm concern thought that if the clip took is doing more harm than good, why are they still offering that tool? Why create another tool that will help people maintain their hair without damaging it. From what you telling me, I have a lot of respect for that Consultants that is holding her ground by not teaching any more class because she knows how harmful the clip tool is (she could have easily teach you and pocket the money).

      I always tell new people who is looking for consultants or trainee that they should not be so concern about who is on the site, but look at they work and meet them in person to see how you vibe with them.

  12. Hey Kreyola, can I re-share some of your info and tool picture on my blog and link back?


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