
How To: Bantu Knots on Micro Sisterlocks

9:30 PM

I was debating on posting this because one of my favorite blogger release one ahead of me, but I said to myself why waste a good post. Extra information will not hurt anyone. This post will be published in two parts. One is the instructions (the how to), which is this post, and the other is the end result of the Bantu Knots. If you have any question or concerns please feel free to comment.

So on to the Bantu Knots, make a decision on how big you want it, depending on the size & amount of your sisterlocks or dreadlocks, will determined how long it will take you.

Material Needed

Spray Bottle
Settling Lotion(optional)
Your Fingers =)
A Dose of Patience
(especially if it your first time)

First Step - Select the amount of locks you want to include on your Bantu Knot, you do that by partitioning them. In my case I had about 40-45 locks in one Bantu Knot. Note: Keep in mind that I have micro to small sisterlocks, so that is a good amount for me. You may need to adjust your amount if you have less locks then me.

Second Step - You will hold the amount of locks you want to include in the Bantu Knot, and slightly damp them with your spray bottle. Once you have lightly sprayed your locks, proceed to Step Three. If you having styling lotion, apply it on the slightly damp hair, and then proceed to Step Three.

Please DON'T soak your locks or apply Bantu Knots while your locks are dripping wet. Remember I explain in a previous post about the danger of styling your locks while they are dripping wet. If you want your curls to last longer, then I suggest getting a holding/styling lotion.
Third Step - Hold the amount of locks you want to include in the Bantu Knot, and twist them around your finger until you reach the end. It should be slightly tight at the root of your hair, and form a nice twist at the tips/end of your locks. Note: Do not make this very tight, since you plan on sleeping on them , and making them tight will create tension and for some this can cause a headache.
Fourth Step - Once you have verify that the twist is nice and tight (not to tight) wrap it around the root of your bundle twist locks. Once you have reached the end of your twisted locks, you will tuck the end underneath the newly formed Bantu Knot.

Repeat step 1-4 steps throughout your head. This took me a total of 30min while watching TV. When I finish the last one, I went ahead an fix a few that was loose etc, so don't worry about making it perfect the first round. I wore the Bantu Knots for three days. I release the Bantu Knots on the third day and you will find the result here.

Note: You can click on any of the images to enlarge. All image are copyright by me. Please ask for permission if you want to use any of my pictures.

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Big Chop - January 24, 2009
Install - August 18-20 2009
Retighten Time - 4 - 4 1/2 hr
Total Locks - Over 750
Pattern - Double 3
Texture - 4 A/B (Thick & Coarse)

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