How To: Pipe Cleaners on Micro Sisterlocks

8:56 AM

I wanted to see how my hair would look tightly curl. So instead of buying the small version of Soft Spike, I decided to try Pipe Cleaners, for a tightly curly styling option. The Pipe Cleaners pack was super cheap at $99 cent at Michaels - The Arts & Crafts Store. I purchase two black ones (my hair is black for the most part, so that is the color I pick) and since they were quite cheap, If I didn't like my hair tightly curl, I wouldn't feel that bad about not using them again. So I went around and watch tutorial on how to put Pipe Cleaners on locks.

The result were great! Below are the step by step instruction of what I did. If you want to see the end result click here.

Material Needed
Spray Bottle
Pipe Cleaners

Here is one package of Pipe CleanerHere One Out of the Bag
Step 1 - First You Bend the Pipe CleanersStep 2 - Then Create A Hoop & Then Twist the rest around each other.
Step 3: The final Result of the Twist DownHere the Whole Set Done & Ready to be use

Put the Pipe Cleaners in your locks and roll them in whatever direction you want. Make sure to close the excess end by bending it toward your hair.

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  1. Hi! I can't wait to try this on my sisterlocks. My ends are still fairly loose/fuzzy... Do you think the pipe cleaners would dry/frizz them out even more?

  2. No they will not dry or frizz them out more. In fact you should notice very little frizz when they are curly.

  3. Ohh...another question. How long did you let these sit in? Did you sleep with them? Do you sit under a dryer? I'd love to try these, but want to make sure I have enough time to get proper curls!

  4. On this case, I just slightly damp my sisterlocks with a spray bottle the night before, and went to bed with them. The next morning I took them out and that's how my afro curls came about. I don't have a hair dryer, but I'm sure you can use one to cut down the drying time down. You just need to make sure your locks are dry, and how ever long that takes, is how long you need to leave them on.


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Big Chop - January 24, 2009
Install - August 18-20 2009
Retighten Time - 4 - 4 1/2 hr
Total Locks - Over 750
Pattern - Double 3
Texture - 4 A/B (Thick & Coarse)

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