Growing sides - Recovery from the Braids, Weaves, etc

8:40 AM

Well it time for some good news =)! On the right, you see should have notice I'm finally rocking a side pin to my hair...horay! My side hair is slowly starting to grow back in. If you guys have been following me on my blog, you notice that I barely show my sides. Well there is a reason for that! Due to the consent braiding, weaving, and gluing I did in the past, I experience major hair lost to my sides. I’m hoping that sisterlocks will recover my lost hairs. I'm really doubtful that I will ever get my side to grow back fully but I can still hope. I will continue to document my progress from now on to see how the side of my hair looks from time to time.

Now here an update about my thinning hair in the middle, I schedule to see a Dermatologist next week Friday, and I hope to have a resolution to that one particular area that is always thinning out due to stress. So far I have not lost any more locks, and it seems my hair has stop thinning and is growing back a little. I'm curious to see what my Dermatologist says about my off and on again thinning of my hair.

Below is a side to side comparison of my frontal.
This took a lot of guts for me to you show you these.

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Hair Status

Big Chop - January 24, 2009
Install - August 18-20 2009
Retighten Time - 4 - 4 1/2 hr
Total Locks - Over 750
Pattern - Double 3
Texture - 4 A/B (Thick & Coarse)

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